Our economic footprint is significant, as we purchase goods and services from thousands of local, regional and global suppliers. In all transactions we are attentive to sustainability factors as well as competitive pricing, reliable supply and related commercial priorities.
As a leading producer of pulp, packaging and paper products, we appreciate that our products are judged by their price, quality and pressroom performance. But those are not the only measures. Supply chain efficiency, operational excellence, community engagement and environmental performance are also part of our products’ pedigree. We know the importance of economics in a truly sustainable business, and that’s why we make efficiency the cornerstone of everything we do.
GRMS – Global Risk Management Solutions
In an effort to strengthen our company’s risk management program and ensure we are in compliance with internationally mandated laws and regulations, ND Paper has partnered with GRMS | Global Risk Management Solutions and implemented the ND Paper Supplier Risk Assessment Program (Program) as part of our risk management policies.
The Program is designed to streamline the collection and management of key information regarding the regulatory and compliance status as well as business operations of our suppliers, vendors, and service providers. This will ensure longevity of our business relationships with our valued suppliers and vendors.
As part of our supplier qualification, we now require suppliers, vendors and service providers who conduct business with ND Paper participate by enrolling and passing the risk assessment process through GRMS.
For assistance with the supplier risk program please contact support@globalrms.com.
Supplier Resources